Stuart Townend - Across The Lands - Author of Creation Lyrics

Across The Lands - Author of Creation Lyrics

You’re the Word of God the Father,
From before the world began;
Every star and every planet
Has been fashioned by Your hand.
All creation holds together
By the power of Your voice:
Let the skies declare Your glory,
Let the land and seas rejoice!

You're the Author of creation,
You're the Lord of every man;
And Your cry of love rings out
Across the lands.

Yet You left the gaze of angels,
Came to seek and save the lost,
And exchanged the joy of heaven
For the anguish of a cross.
With a prayer You fed the hungry,
With a word You stilled the sea.
Yet how silently You suffered
That the guilty may go free.

You're the Author of creation,
You're the Lord of every man;
And Your cry of love rings out
Across the lands.

With a shout You rose victorious,
Wresting victory from the grave,
And ascended into heaven
Leading captives in Your wake.
Now You stand before the Father
Interceding for Your own.
From each tribe and tongue and nation
You are leading sinners home.

You're the Author of creation,
You're the Lord of every man;
And Your cry of love rings out
Across the lands.

Across The Lands - Author of Creation Video

Across The Lands - Author of Creation Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Across The Lands - Author of Creation" is a powerful worship song written by Stuart Townend. This song beautifully expresses the majesty and love of God as the Creator of all things. With its heartfelt lyrics and uplifting melody, it encourages believers to recognize and proclaim God's sovereignty over all creation.

Meaning and Inspiration:
The song "Across The Lands - Author of Creation" is a celebration of God's role as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. It acknowledges that everything, from the stars in the sky to the land and seas, is brought into existence and held together by the power of God's voice. The lyrics remind us that God's glory is declared through His creation, and we are invited to join in this declaration.

The inspiration behind the song likely comes from passages in the Bible that speak of God's creative power and His authority over all things. The song serves as a reminder of the greatness of God and the privilege we have to worship and honor Him.

Biblical References:
1. Colossians 1:16-17 (ESV) - "For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him, all things hold together."

This verse emphasizes the supremacy of Christ as the Creator and the sustainer of all things. The song echoes this truth by declaring that all creation holds together by the power of God's voice.

2. Psalm 19:1 (ESV) - "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."

This verse highlights how the skies and all of creation declare the glory of God. The song echoes this sentiment by inviting the skies, land, and seas to rejoice and declare God's glory.

3. John 1:3 (ESV) - "All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made."

This verse speaks to Jesus' role as the Word of God who was with God in the beginning and through whom all things were made. The song acknowledges Jesus as the "Word of God the Father" who has fashioned every star and planet.

Analysis of the Song:
1. Verse 1: Proclaiming God's Creative Power
The first verse of the song establishes the theme of God's creative power. It highlights how everything in the universe, including the stars and planets, is intricately designed and brought into existence by God's hand. The lyrics emphasize God's authority and sovereignty as the Creator.

2. Chorus: Declaring God's Glory
The chorus of the song invites all of creation to join in declaring God's glory. It encourages the skies, land, and seas to rejoice and acknowledge God's greatness. The repetition of the phrase "You're the Author of creation, You're the Lord of every man" reinforces the central theme of God's sovereignty and authority.

3. Verse 2: Reflecting on Jesus' Sacrifice
The second verse of the song shifts the focus to Jesus' incarnation and sacrifice. It highlights His willingness to leave the heavenly realms and seek and save the lost. The lyrics express awe and gratitude for Jesus' suffering on the cross, demonstrating His love for humanity.

4. Bridge: Celebrating Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension
The bridge of the song celebrates Jesus' victory over death and His ascension into heaven. It acknowledges His role as the conqueror who defeated sin and death, leading captives in His wake. The bridge reminds us of Jesus' ongoing intercession for believers and His ultimate mission to bring sinners home.

Significance for Christian Bloggers:
As a Christian blogger, you can explore the profound message of "Across The Lands - Author of Creation" in your posts. Here are some creative subheadings that can be used to address different aspects of the song:

1. The Sovereignty of God: Discovering God's Creative Power
2. Proclaiming God's Glory: The Role of Creation in Worship
3. Jesus' Sacrifice: Reflecting on His Love and Redemption
4. Victory over Death: Celebrating Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension
5. Assurance of Salvation: The Hope and Security We Have in Christ

"Across The Lands - Author of Creation" by Stuart Townend is a worship song that beautifully captures the majesty and love of God as the Creator of all things. Its heartfelt lyrics and uplifting melody invite believers to recognize and proclaim God's sovereignty and authority. Through its reminders of Jesus' sacrifice, resurrection, and ongoing intercession, the song encourages us to reflect on our salvation and the hope we have in Him. As Christian bloggers, we can delve into the rich meaning and inspiration of this song, using it as a tool to inspire and encourage our readers in their faith journey.

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